Saturday, July 08, 2006

Sleep Over!!

Once again, my studio had a sleep over. We didn't do much sleeping and we keept waking up our poor baton teacher. The last game that we played was Sardins and then she that we had 3 minutes of play time before the lights went out. She then said do what you need to do before I turn the lights off. I was really surprised that the younger kids stayed up as long as us older kids did. I mean, they were over there listening to music and we were over here telling jokes, telling stories, and laughing our butts off. One of the girls nest to me was laughing so loud, we told her to shut it! Every time we made a really loud noise, my teacher would wake up and tell us to stop and go to bed. Then when we woke up, yes we went to sleep, she said that she just had her eyes closed and she was listing to us. She said she heard more laughter than sleeping. it was so much fun!

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